
Well, technically not that new, since I bought it second hand. Nevertheless, its something I wanted for a very long time. Ever since I was a kid I always have this fancy for taking photographs, although most of the time I prefer to be the one taking them than the one in them.

So, I must admit am still a noob at these things (well, photography lessons might be my next target) but nevertheless, what's more fun with having a new baby than sharing it with friends, who are more than willing to tag along for my test drive.

Here are some shots I took. They look better when on full size. Enjoy...


Belle and Kimmy

Be posting some other pics later, but now gotta run since am late for my class hahaha...
3 Responses

  1. rajavoom Says:

    Woot. I want one too. Hahaha

  2. Drew Says:

    hahaha thanks Rins... Next time we go out of town, it'll be an additional toy for us haha... Prosti Bili n! Haha

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