Well, technically not that new, since I bought it second hand. Nevertheless, its something I wanted for a very long time. Ever since I was a kid I always have this fancy for taking photographs, although most of the time I prefer to be the one taking them than the one in them.
So, I must admit am still a noob at these things (well, photography lessons might be my next target) but nevertheless, what's more fun with having a new baby than sharing it with friends, who are more than willing to tag along for my test drive.
Here are some shots I took. They look better when on full size. Enjoy...
Belle and Kimmy
Be posting some other pics later, but now gotta run since am late for my class hahaha...
Nice toy Drew!
Woot. I want one too. Hahaha
hahaha thanks Rins... Next time we go out of town, it'll be an additional toy for us haha... Prosti Bili n! Haha